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  • Fairclough | ASR

    Javari Fairclough, PhD Senior Data Analyst Dr. Javari Fairclough earned his Ph.D. in human development and family Sciences at Texas Tech University (TTU). He was trained as an applied quantitative research methodologist and has his roots in Psychology. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in general experimental psychology from California State University, Northridge (CSUN). Dr. Fairclough’s research interests center on positive youth development and the complex interplay between the family unit, peers, and problem behaviors (e.g., youth aggression, delinquency, and substance use) among at-risk youth. Through novel and comprehensive analytic methods, and the examination of various social, psychological, and environmental influences, he strived to pinpoint the dynamic factors that are associated with increases in the probability of engagement in negative behaviors during his time at TTU. He is passionate about protective factors (e.g., parental monitoring) that can mitigate risk and promote positive developmental outcomes for at-risk individuals. This includes an exploration of resilience factors, coping mechanisms, and supportive resources that can serve as influential buffers against problem behaviors. In his free time, he enjoys cooking Jamaican food, learning new programming tools and languages to solve complex statistical problems, trying new restaurants with my wife and lifting free weights at the gym. < Back

  • Corneille | ASR

    Kimberly Corneille, MA Senior Research Analyst I Kimberly Corneille joined ASR in September 2023. She has over 20 years of experience working in education, mostly serving at-promise youth. Some of her recent ASR projects include the Resource Link project, as well as facilitating decision-making processes with Santa Clara County’s Office of Education’s Universal PreKindergarten Program. Prior to her role at ASR, she was a Senior Community Organizer and the Foster Youth Services Coordinator for the Santa Cruz County Office of Education, overseeing countywide foster youth data and providing technical assistance on foster youth education-related best practices to 11 school districts. During her tenure there, she was also the FosterEd Project Lead, the Chair of the Santa Cruz County Foster Youth Services Executive Advisory Council, a Trauma Informed Practices for Schools (TIPS) trainer, and a certified Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) coach. She is a student of Radical Transformational Leadership and uses her values to guide her work with children, youth, families, schools and organizations. Kimberly also has several years of experience teaching in the classroom. Kimberly received her Masters in Teaching and Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from UC Santa Cruz and her Bachelor’s in Human Development from UC San Diego. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, yoga, working with rescue horses, seeing live music, traveling, reading, and spending time with her partner and dog < Back

  • Community Report Cards | ASR

    View Full Report Executive Summary Community Report Cards < Back Community Report Cards are needs assessments that have an evaluative function. These report cards help us understand and distill what the data are saying, and invite collaborators to take action. Highlight Project: Silicon Valley Latino Community Report Card

  • Public Safety | ASR

    View Full Report Executive Summary Public Safety ASR’s partnerships in the public safety arena include the City of Watsonville’s Committee on Policing and Social Equity, and multi-disciplinary family violence response teams aimed at protecting adult victims and children. Project Highlight: City of Watsonville Ad Hoc Committee on Policing and Social Equity View Report < Back Additional work samples Half Moon Bay CARES Program View Summary Santa Cruz County Criminal Justice Council Report 2022 View Report Santa Cruz County Criminal Justice Council Report 2021 View Report CAFES Program, Santa Cruz County Probation Department View Report

  • Surveys | ASR

    View Full Report Executive Summary Surveys < Back “Survey” is our middle name! ASR excels at creating surveys, assessments and scales. Prior to creating any tool, we determine if a suitable tool already exists. If not, ASR can create one, such as our Kindergarten Observation Form (developed 2001), which has now been used to assess the kindergarten readiness of hundreds of thousands of children across California and the United States. ASR can also help you utilize online surveys such as Qualtrics and SurveyMonkey, text-based surveying such as Slicktext, and phone-based polling such as Mentimeter.

  • Susan Brutschy | ASR

    Susan Brutschy President Susan Brutschy co-founded Applied Survey Research in 1981 with Sociology Professor Dane Archer of the University of California, Santa Cruz. She has been President of ASR since 1989, leading hundreds of evaluations, assessments, and strategic planning processes in community quality of life, early childhood development, domestic violence, child abuse and maltreatment, early literacy, K-12 education, and homelessness. Ms. Brutschy has expanded ASR's work to national and international prominence. In 2006, ASR won the prestigious Community Service Award from the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology (AACS). They noted that ASR won the honor "for its outstanding work in applying its data collection, analysis, reporting, and management skills to addressing homelessness and other social problems." In 2007, ASR and the United Way of Santa Cruz County won a national award from the Brookings Institution for having the best indicator project in the nation, the Santa Cruz County Community Assessment Project (CAP) . Over the last decade, Ms. Brutschy has pioneered an outcomes framework for ASR's work in community assessments, evaluations, and strategic planning processes. This framework, known as Results Based Accountability (RBA), was created by Mark Friedman of the Fiscal Policies Institute. The framework’s goal is to begin with the outcomes that a community would like to achieve. Once a community agrees on those outcomes, Ms. Brutschy and ASR staff use RBA to develop the best methods to achieve those ends. She has successfully led many projects using RBA, including the previously mentioned Santa Cruz County CAP, which functions as a community report card with over 135 indicators; First 5 Santa Cruz County to benefit children ages 0-5 in low income communities of color; and Kindergarten Readiness Assessments in Alameda, Santa Clara, San Francisco, and San Mateo Counties. Ms. Brutschy believes that data should not sit in binders collecting dust, but rather that it should become a catalyst for community change. She has helped many communities in California, Arizona, and Alaska to achieve improvements in health, domestic violence, child abuse and maltreatment, early childhood literacy, drug and alcohol abuse, and school safety. She graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz, with highest honors in Sociology, and received awards for her research in designing and implementing quantitative assessments of community opinion for the Social Research Unit. In addition to her work at ASR, Ms. Brutschy enjoys reading about the history of ancient Egypt, international travel, and camping with her husband and four adult children. < Our Team

  • Carpenter | ASR

    Kim Carpenter, PhD Project Director Joining ASR in 2010, Dr. Carpenter brings over 20 years of knowledge and experience in the child development and early intervention fields. Her graduate and post-doctoral work focused on the social and emotional development of young children and their families, including the impacts of maternal depression and child maltreatment. Since 2010, Dr. Carpenter has led mixed-methods community-based evaluations, surveys, and needs assessments at ASR in areas including early child development, school readiness, child mental health, parent/family support, and youth development. Recently completed projects include: Youth needs assessments and local action plans in San Mateo and Ventura counties, Kaiser Permanente Community Health Needs Assessments in Alameda and Contra Costa counties, and program evaluations for Educare California at Silicon Valley, First 5 Contra Costa, and Santa Clara County Dependency and Collaborative Courts. Dr. Carpenter’s published works include a study in the Journal Child Maltreatment in 2008 on the impact of child neglect on development entitled ‘Emotion Knowledge in Young Neglected Children’, as well as conference presentations over the past 20 years at meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development, the International Conference on Infant Studies, and the Association for Psychological Science. In addition to her work at ASR, Dr. Carpenter enjoys hiking, kayaking/SUP, snowboarding, and creating stained-glass art. She holds PhD and MS degrees in Developmental Psychology from Vanderbilt University, and a BA degree in Psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. < Back

  • Portfolio | ASR

    Gather actionable data on issues affecting your population Community Assessments Impact Surveys Homelessness Reports

  • Stanislaus 2020 | ASR

    Youth and Family Well-Being Spotlight Stanislaus County | California | 2020 Stanislaus County’s Youth and Family Well-Being Spotlight 2020 This spotlight provides an actionable snapshot into the health and well-being of youth and families in Stanislaus County using measurable indicators. Using this as a tool, Focus on Prevention and their multi-sector partners will be able to better understand and respond in a coordinated manner to the prevention needs of youth and families in Stanislaus County. Youth and Family Well-Being Spotlight Click on the report cover image to download a PDF of the full report or click on specific sections of the report located below. Download Full Report Visit Focus on Prevention Website

  • Executve Summaries | ASR

    View Full Report Executive Summary Executive Summaries How do you tell your story? One of the most challenging and yet rewarding phases of applied research is helping our partners summarize the key takeaways and learnings and express those in a way that is compelling and actionable for the intended audiences. ASR has helped numerous partners communicate the difference that they make. Project Highlight: First 5 Sacramento Reduction of African American Child Deaths View Full Report < Back Additional work samples First 5 Sacramento Annual Evaluation View Report Butte County LCCPC Strategic Plan View Report Birth and Beyond Annual Evaluation View Report First 5 Solano Policy Brief View Report

  • Johnsen | ASR

    Laura Johnsen Research and Administrative Assistant Susan Brutschy co-founded Applied Survey Research in 1981 with Sociology Professor Dane Archer of the University of California, Santa Cruz. She has been President of ASR since 1989, leading hundreds of evaluations, assessments, and strategic planning processes in community quality of life, early childhood development, domestic violence, child abuse and maltreatment, early literacy, K-12 education, and homelessness. Ms. Brutschy has expanded ASR's work to national and international prominence. In 2006, ASR won the prestigious Community Service Award from the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology (AACS). They noted that ASR won the honor "for its outstanding work in applying its data collection, analysis, reporting, and management skills to addressing homelessness and other social problems." In 2007, ASR and the United Way of Santa Cruz County won a national award from the Brookings Institution for having the best indicator project in the nation, the Santa Cruz County Community Assessment Project (CAP) . Over the last decade, Ms. Brutschy has pioneered an outcomes framework for ASR's work in community assessments, evaluations, and strategic planning processes. This framework, known as Results Based Accountability (RBA), was created by Mark Friedman of the Fiscal Policies Institute. The framework’s goal is to begin with the outcomes that a community would like to achieve. Once a community agrees on those outcomes, Ms. Brutschy and ASR staff use RBA to develop the best methods to achieve those ends. She has successfully led many projects using RBA, including the previously mentioned Santa Cruz County CAP, which functions as a community report card with over 135 indicators; First 5 Santa Cruz County to benefit children ages 0-5 in low income communities of color; and Kindergarten Readiness Assessments in Alameda, Santa Clara, San Francisco, and San Mateo Counties. Ms. Brutschy believes that data should not sit in binders collecting dust, but rather that it should become a catalyst for community change. She has helped many communities in California, Arizona, and Alaska to achieve improvements in health, domestic violence, child abuse and maltreatment, early childhood literacy, drug and alcohol abuse, and school safety. She graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz, with highest honors in Sociology, and received awards for her research in designing and implementing quantitative assessments of community opinion for the Social Research Unit. In addition to her work at ASR, Ms. Brutschy enjoys reading about the history of ancient Egypt, international travel, and camping with her husband and four adult children. < Back

  • Bixby | ASR

    Christa Bixby, MA Senior Planning Analyst Christa joined ASR in 2024. She comes from a background in higher education, specifically focusing on the domains of TESOL and academic writing. She comes from a wealth of international experience, having lived in six countries throughout her tenure in education. Her educational journey has been marked by a dedication and commitment to fostering equitable education and engaging students with innovative instructional methods. Over time, Christa advanced into administrative positions where she gained experience in strategic planning, data-driven decision-making, evaluation planning, and project management. Christa is currently working on research related to the equitable use of AI in education, focusing on the integration of it in higher institutions of learning. In her free time, Christa enjoys woodworking, practicing yoga, throwing pottery, and learning every and anything new. She classifies herself as a life-long learner, one who is inspired by all that the world around her has to teach us. < Back

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